Summer VS Winter Holidays

It’s a debate for the ages. Summer Vs Winter holidays, which is the best time to travel? Some may assume that it’s an easy answer to say summer. I don’t think that’s the case though. So we are going to look for reasons behind wanting to go on holiday during the winter or summer.

  1. Summer – The hot weather, if this isn’t an obvious point then I don’t know what is. 95% percent of the time you (people who don’t live in Greece) are going on holiday during the summertime. No use getting into a debate here since visiting a place with good warm weather is always a mood booster and at the end of the day, being in the sun is super nice.
  2. Winter – The cold Weather, I will counter the last point with the exact opposite. Cold weather. Keep in mind that there’s always a certain point for each and every one of us on how much cold we can take. It’s always nice to wrap yourself up and take in some cold fresh air. Especially when you have that new hoodie that you bought for your birthday.
  3. Summer – More Lively Destinations, well it’s no secret that during summertime there is a lot more going on especially if you are going to popular tourist destinations (No, not Ibiza). Someone can say it’s ironic but going on vacation during the summer, simply, you find too many people in one place. If that’s OK with you, go for it.
  4. Winter – Celebrations, comparing it to summer, there are a few holidays here and there but none can be compared to the “officials”. Halloween , New Year’s Eve and Christmas day, are just some of them. There’s always a different mood when you travel during the holidays. Some people call it “magic” and some just like the extra fireworks.
  5. Summer – It’s More Comfortable, traveling light is the way to do it during the summer, you can pretty much go anywhere with a pair of shorts, a shirt, and your flip flops, whereas during the winter wearing too many clothes doesn’t make it ideal, and in case you missed it, read here the best way to pack your luggage .Also, do you know how many times I have forgotten my gloves at restaurants?
  6. Winter – It’s Cheaper, and we all know what that means. Just the plane tickets alone are a huge budget booster for most of the travelers. This automatically means more money for other activities.
  7. Summer – Beach Sports, now this is a section where I can elaborate more than I should. As a windsurfer, most beach and water sports tend to occur during the summer. There’s wind, there are waves and even if you are not an aquaholic, you can definitely enjoy a couple of beach volley matches onshore.
  8. Winter – The snow, it’s like having an endless playground. For people living in the south snow is something special including me. Truth is , snow is really fun. It makes so much stuff look brighter with a lot more life than they would have without it. Plus who doesn’t love throwing snowballs to friends who don’t expect it?
  9. Summer – Cocktails, you can’t think of the word summer without the essence of the cocktail. If you ask me, I don’t really care what is the temperature outside. A good drink is a good drink. Nevertheless, it’s much different sipping Cube Libres at the beach and doing it so, on a rainy cold afternoon.
Based in Heraklion Crete and having lived in a number of cities around Greece, I just had to get back, after all, sometimes you just can't live without this town. Having technology as a hobby I decided to make a living out of it, so at the moment I am the IT Support Specialist at Enorme Hotels & Villas. Being a bit geeky I am into movies (yeah star wars as well), games and extreme sports such as windsurfing. I also own a cat named Tommie or he owns me, I don't know yet. On the other hand, reading is NOT one of my things, researching for stuff though is, and that's exactly where I get most of my ideas flowing. If you have any thoughts or feedback or just want to connect, feel free to contact me via any of my social media pages.