Reusable Bags & Cups

Location: Enorme LifeStyle Beach

Following the “Blue Flag” standards and actions, our team thought of creating a reusable Point of interest in Enorme Lifestyle Beach promoting reusable cups and reusable bags.

Our target is, and always has been to raise the environmental awareness of our guests in order to create a better world by reducing resources and avoid one time use plastics.

Coordinators of this action were Miss Maria Kallergi and the F&B manager of Enorme Hotels & Villas Mr Spyros Athanasopoulos as well as the hotel manager Mrs Katerina Kambouraki.

And as we always say, 


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Based in Heraklion Crete and having lived in a number of cities around Greece, I just had to get back, after all, sometimes you just can't live without this town. Having technology as a hobby I decided to make a living out of it, so at the moment I am the IT Support Specialist at Enorme Hotels & Villas. Being a bit geeky I am into movies (yeah star wars as well), games and extreme sports such as windsurfing. I also own a cat named Tommie or he owns me, I don't know yet. On the other hand, reading is NOT one of my things, researching for stuff though is, and that's exactly where I get most of my ideas flowing. If you have any thoughts or feedback or just want to connect, feel free to contact me via any of my social media pages.